🚥🔎 Course: Tracking Issue Progress & Completion
In this course we use date scaffolding to track how many issues are in progress for a given time period as well as looking how effectively and quickly issues are being picked up and completed
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This Week’s Project
For this lesson we’ll be looking at how we can use Tableau to track the progress of issues including when they’ve been picked up and completed. We’ll utilise a date scaffolding technique to see how many issues are open for a given week and look at how quickly we’re picking up and completing them.
In this project we’re tracking development activities for a number of app and software development teams in order to ensure we’re managing our backlog effectively and that we’re planning our work out well.
The same technique can be used across any number of cases where you have items that move through different stages, this could be sales opportunities, help desk tickets, appointment requests or customer orders or complaints to name just a few.
The Brief:
Here’s this weeks brief as given to you by the IT leadership team at the organisation you work for:
Your role is to build out an issue tracking dashboard that will be used by the software development team leaders, product owners and leadership team to ensure requests are being completed in an efficient way and that the planning and estimating is helping the teams to deliver good quality code and applications without being stretched with too many requests.
The project requirements you’ve been given are: